GO Pass Step 1 of 2 50% The Go Pass is a discounted $5 monthly membership to ensure everyone has access to Red Bike. It is available to residents of Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky with a household income at or below 200 percent of the federal poverty guidelines. If you receive food assistance, such as SNAP, WIC, or TANF, or energy assistance such as HEAP or PIPP, or are client of a Partner Organization, you are eligible for Red Bike Go. $5 a month gets you unlimited 2-hour bike rides for 30 days. Bikes must be checked in to a station within 2 hours to reset the clock. Rides over 2 hours will result in account suspension or termination. Payment: You can pay month to month or pay in advance in 30-day increments at the same price. Cash payments can be made in-person on Tuesdays & Thursdays, from 11AM - 4PM, at the Red Bike Shop, located at 600 Central Avenue, downtown near the convention center at the corner of 6th & Central. Please wear a mask and respect our health and safety procedures on-site. Online payments require a payment card. Please note: Payment cannot be made with an EBT card. If you have questions, please contact Red Bike Go at support@cincyredbike.org or (513) 621-2453 or text (513) 441-0862 Register for the Go Pass Please enter the following:First Name*Last Name*Phone*Email* Please select one of the following eligibility options: SNAP, HEAP or PIPP or Partner Organization. Enter your EBT card number, your HEAP or PIPP client number or the partner passcode for the selected organization. If you do not know the partner passcode, please contact someone at the organization.Select Eligibility*SNAPHEAP or PIPPPartner OrganizationEBT Card Number*HEAP or PIPP Client Number*Partner Organization*Community Action Agency (CAA)OhioMeansJobs (OMJ)Great Cincinnati Urban LeagueSeven Hills Neighborhood HousesBrighton CenterElm Street Health CenterYWCA Greater CincinnatiRISEFindlay MarketHomeless Coalition of Greater CincinnatiCornerstone Renter EquityFreestore FoodbankOver the Rhine Community Housing (OTRCH)Cincinnati Peace - MovementPartner Passcode*